
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

O Maria, stella maris

O Mary, star of the sea,
Loving like no other,
With your gentle eye
Deign to look on us.
Hurry, have mercy
On our shipwrecked age.

In this vale of tears
Nothing is sweet, nothing is dear,
Nothing can be trusted.
What can be safe
When not even Virtue's sail
Is sure to persevere?

The Flesh fights against us;
The World backs the flesh
Into our destruction.
The Enemy stands inside, infesting us,
Now in public, now secretly
Manifesting his madness.

And we sin, and we are punished,
And caught in many
Hunter's nets.
O Mary, mother of God,
After God, the height of hope,
You sweet refuge.

So many massive chains;
We don't have the strength to resist,
Not by power or industry.
Comforter of mourners,
Resuscitator of the dead,
Shatter Death's net!

As we try to praise you,
Listen to us, hear us out,
Free us from death.
You who sit, after Christ,
First among His co-heirs,
Number us with Christ.

Jesus, gentle and kind,
Whose name is a sign,
Sweet, health-bringing,
Give us the gift of salvation.
Since we are constructed damaged,
Give us overflowing gifts.

Father, Son, Comforter,
One God, one giver
Of sevenfold grace,
Only Your love
Can raise us, one Trinity,
From hoping to see
to seeing.


-Adam of St. Victor.
Translation is my own (and it needs work!)

Have a good Ash Wednesday and Lent.

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