
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Teacher

I just took the last art class of my undergraduate college career, and for the past three years they have all been from Patrick Palmer. I took from him four semesters of figure drawing and two semesters of painting. For forming my artistic skills, sight, and sense, I cannot say how crucial his instruction has been.

He describes himself as the "dinosaur" of the Glassell School of art, because while almost all the rest of the school is deep into abstract, non-traditional deconstructivism--which would be useless for my goals--he still paints and teaches people to paint the human form. The point of art to him is storytelling, and when he said that I knew I had the right teacher. And all his students will always remember his stories of the oranges and the cake, which contained fundamental artistic principles.

With strong critique, emphasis on composition, texture, edge, value-- on everything important-- he taught me a tremendous amount. I am grateful and feel like I could keep on learning alot more. Who knows, maybe someday I'll be able to go back, and then I will.

Images in this entry copyright Patrick Palmer.

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