
Monday, September 26, 2011

Rocky coast revisited

I added alot of detail to this and redid some areas to make it suitable for sale. I think there's a big improvement.


  1. That's beautiful. I too think there's been alot of improvement-- even though the original was awesome!

  2. Hey.... question for you. You know about Ink and Fairydust, right? Would you be at all interested in doing an illustration for an article every couple of issues? Or cover art? Obviously it would have to be volunteering... I'm not even sure if we are still wanting someone else to help with illustrating, but it's getting a bit much for just me now that I'm doing the graphics. Just throwing that out there if you want to consider it... otherwise I 100% understand if you are busy or not interested.

  3. Shaylynn,
    A resounding Yes! I've just been looking back at past issues... So let me know if you need a little something! And if you see something of mine here or on Deviantart that would be good for I&F you can ask about those too. (And they usually would be available unless done for another client.)
