
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Plein Air Competition

The Jaques Plein Air competition was amazing. Having to do a large painting every day was very energizing. At first the weather was a bit dreary, but that itself made interesting light, skies, and water to paint. There were some very illustrious artists and alot of great paintings, and... well onto the pictures!

The first painting I did in the center of town, of the only set of stoplights in the county.

The Lights

Loon off Burns' Point

There were actually NINE loons all around, but if I put them all in no one would have believed.

The third I did on our own front porch.

Path into the Woods

On the final day, we all had to paint within two hours at the hospital garden. And they had a model, too!

I couldn't get a good close-up shot of that one. Anyway, that afternoon was the opening and everything was up! 

This one, which I would have bought were I rich, was by Raleigh Kinney.

A pastel piece, by Cynthia Kath, won third place.

This, by Duane Barnhart, won second. His watercolors were simply magnificent; unfortunately I can't find a website.

And as for what won First Place...

I couldn't believe it!!! As I've said, the other artists were amazing and had tons of experience. This was an incredible thing! I'm thrilled and I learned alot and it was very much fun! You can look at the official report on the Jaques Art Center website.