
Friday, July 18, 2014

Jaques Plein Air 2014

Okay, so here's my proper post about the Jaques Art Center's plein air painting competition of this year. First, here are the paintings I did for it:

Pigeons on the Creamery

Willow on Cedar
(I didn't have time to take a photo of that one before I had to frame it.)

Old Swing

I also did another, for the Quick Paint competition, (during which we were limited in time to two hours and in space to the fairgrounds,) but I didn't get a photo of that one yet.

So, as mentioned in the earlier post, I got Honorable Mention for the Willow on Cedar painting, which is the one I'm happiest with, so I'm glad.

First prize went to this:

A Lily Day by Mary Ann Cleary.

And Second:

The Old Creamery by Robert Luedtke. That's of the same building as my Pigeons on the Creamery. I understand that this painting got left on the roof of the artist's car and flew off into the road. Fortunately he and his wife were able to recover it, but you could see a little grit in places!

Third Place:

The Logan by Kari Hogden.

And here are some more Honorable Mentions and others I liked:

Clockwise from top left: Bend in the River by Duane Barnhart, Bright Beginning by Paul Boecher, Going No Where Fast by Dianne Lewis, Peaceful Dusk by Duane Barnhart, Waiting for the Next Train by Tom Dimock, and Downtown by Cynthia Kath.

The paintings are on exhibit till the 26th. Now I live here, I can do this every year!


  1. You certainly have skill in indicating sunlight on the grass! This is an excellent post, and I enjoyed the links to your fellow artists. I hope in the future you'll have the means to participate in lots of other plein air contests.

  2. Thank you for the promised pictures. It was a pleasure to the eyes. If I had been among the judges, I would have given you the 2nd place :)
