
Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Road to Walsingham

I recently did a banner, above, and a cover image, below, for the Road to Walsingham podcasts of the various interesting lectures given at Our Lady of Walsingham Church, my old parish and the seat of the Ordinariate.

It's a bit poignant, because today I went to an Anglican Use Mass for the first time since leaving Texas, with the Society of St. Bede the Venerable. I'd missed it an awful lot.


  1. Neat! I'd seen the cover image at the OLW site, but it was too small for me to make out the identity (I guess it's "anonymous") of the pilgrim. Is that St. John Fisher between Chesterton and St. Thomas More in the banner?
    I'll be interested to hear more about the Ordinariate group at Collegeville.

  2. The cardinal's meant to be John Newman.
    Uh huh!
