
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Aitkin Age column: Warren William binge part III

My latest column for the Aitkin Independent Age starts with an uncertainty that is now relieved and then moves to movies:

By the time you read this, election day probably will have passed. It’s uncertain: while publication day is Wednesday, the paper’s available Tuesday. If it is over, many people will just be relieved to have done with it. I will have started concluding several important decisions I had been waiting on. Whether to get a retirement account, what to do about my soon-to-be absolutely unaffordable health insurance, how quickly to join a carry permit class; all these decisions depend heavily on what happened Nov. 8. In any case, let’s see what lies ahead and meet it boldly.

In the meantime, I’ll continue my mini-reviews of films featuring Aitkin-born movie star Warren William. I said at the beginning of this series that as the “King of Pre-Code,” William was most known for playing immoral but dashing scoundrels. That is exactly what he does, very impressively, in the two following dramas.

Skyscraper Souls centers on an 100-story skyscraper which David Dwight, played by Warren William, directed the construction of, manages, and is determined to own fully, no matter how many lives are ruined along the way. He is supported by his assistant and mistress, Sarah, played by Verree Teasdale, who is getting a bit old for the latter job. That being the case, Dwight sets his sights on seducing Sarah’s secretary, Lynn, played by Maureen O’Sullivan.
Read the rest here.

And to expand on my last post, these two articles at The Remnant are very good:

Goodnight, Mrs. Clinton
Trump Wins as America inches back from the Abyss

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