
Friday, January 13, 2017

A kerfluffle -- and a little bit of a book review

I don't know if anyone here has visited my tumblr, which is linked in the sidebar; I put there pretty much the same drawings I put here, with a bit more nerdy fandom slant. But if you are a person of refined sensibilities, this is just a warning that you may not wish to visit it currently.

I had an altercation there recently with some homosexuals who attacked me for objecting to people claiming that a drawing of mine of three fully-clothed nine-year-old male children, friends saying goodbye, with one hugging another, was a piece of homosexual pornography--and they meant this as a good thing.

In this conflict, some very foul things were said to me, which I quoted in accusation, and I used some foul language in turn, so if that unsettles you, do be mindful.

I have learned through experience, as well as seen several people wiser than me demonstrate, that refusing to use harsh tactics against the enemies of decency does not work. They do not understand reasoned argument; they take advantage of any concession and merely screech all the louder that any refusal to acclaim perverse sexual practices is nothing but purest bigoted hate. The only thing that works is to shame them, call their deviancy what it is, and refuse to back down in any way.

I learned much of this from the invaluable book SJWs Always Lie by Vox Day, which I also gave to my teenage cousin for Christmas. If you have ever been concerned about what will happen to your career or reputation if certain people find out you're not as feminist, anti-white, pro-Islam, and pro-sodomy as modern secularism demands, you need to read this book.

I also thought of St. Thomas More as my model, the things he said to and about Martin Luther. Don't look at that if you're sensitive to foul language, either.

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