
Monday, February 6, 2017

Aitkin Age column: Glad to see this day

My latest column for the Aitkin Independent Age is about how happy I am that we have the president we have instead of the one that the abortion-worshipping, Islam-supporting, anti-Christian globalist elite wanted for us. There had been several letters to the editor and a couple columns lamenting the inauguration, so I thought the way that the majority of Aitkin County actually voted deserved some representation.

In the wake of the inauguration, newspapers and the Internet were filled with lamentation, claiming it will be horrible if President Trump does what he said he would, but then immediately gloating he surely wouldn’t do it after all. If so, what was the problem? However, these first few days, he already restored the Mexico City policy, got us out of TPP, presided over the first joint American-Russian attack on ISIS, and several other works. He’s doing what he said and I am glad of it.

I am glad that someone who said that my church must be made to change its beliefs will not be president. I always thought Hillary Clinton would win, so I expected that soon, any public expression of my beliefs, especially the belief that homosexuality is immoral, would be outlawed as hate speech. I didn’t trust Trump for a long time, thinking he was stupid and sure to lose to her. I gradually saw I was wrong and I am glad.
Read the rest here.

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