
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Twelve to start, Twelve to end - 2017 in review

It's not too late to look back on 2017 and plan for 2018!

Last year, I finally started to get my day job and art work into harmony, following my resolution to draw more than I did in 2016. To that end, I started off the year with a twelve-drawing tribute to the significance of Christmas in Ace Attorney, commemorating the fact that Christmas 2016 is when the final case of the first game takes place.

I did a lot of work for Sophia Institute Press' Spirit of Truth catechesis series, which will come out in Summer.

I started supporting artists on Patreon, namely the webcomics Chateau Grief and The Silver Eye.

Most exciting of all, and something that will come to fruition and have a greater effect on 2018 than 2017, I began working with Jon Del Arroz on the upcoming steampunk comic Clockwork Dancer!

Then I ended the year with another twelve-drawing project (not counting the cover), a silly little Batman and Superman story, All's Fair at the County Fair.

So my resolution for 2018, (as well as sewing more) is to focus on big projects: Clockwork Dancer; upcoming webcomic Paper Doll Veronika; returning to my fancomic Batman: Decadence; and another collaboration with a writer.

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