
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Aitkin Age column - The oppression of women

My latest column for the Aitkin Independent Age:
Are women oppressed in this country? The feminist movement tells us we are. If so, of what does this oppression consist?
We are told that as late as 100 years ago, women were considered property. But history shows this is not true. If a woman were property that would mean her owner would be allowed to sell her, or dispose of her completely, that is, kill her. This has not been the case in Western Civilization since the end of the Pagan Roman Empire. It was certainly not the case 100 years ago. The only difference between the legal rights of women in the 19th century and now is that, since the 1830s-60s, married women may own property without giving their husbands rights over it, and since 1920, they may vote. So women are equal to men before the law. Are they otherwise oppressed?
Read the rest here.

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