
Monday, July 22, 2019

What happened to the Liturgical Calendar Coloring Book

If you have visited this blog more than once over the past few years, you may have noticed that The Liturgical Calendar Coloring Book, which I made in 2013, has not been available since some time last year. It was a coloring book of every observed Solemnity, Feast, Memorial, and Optional Memorial in the Roman Calendar of the Catholic Church, about 240 pages.

The reason it has gone away is that Sophia Institute Press requested to buy the rights to it, and commission around 120 more pages to go with it, to construct a coloring book of saints for every single day of the entire year. I have just finished the work for the first volume, January-June, and it should come out in the next few months.

It's been an interesting ride. In the six years between the two sets of illustrations, I think I may say I've improved a lot. The above page of St. Flavia Domitilla is my favorite so far from these new drawings. There will also be the addition of short biographies, written by Anna Maria Mendell. So if you enjoyed The Liturgical Calendar Coloring Book, consider making the year complete with this new book, soon to be published by Sophia Institute Press.


  1. Congratulations! Our parish just purchased Sophia Press' "Spirit of Truth" and in it, there is a drawing of the Trinity that I suspected was your work. I am looking forward to the new coloring book.

  2. Thank you! I appreciate someone having an eye to recognize my work, and I hope you enjoy it!
