
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

St. Boniface IV coloring page preview

This is one of the coloring pages newly made especially for The Day-by-Day Coloring Book of Saints, volume 1 of which contains saints for every single day of January through June.

St. Boniface IV was pope at the beginning of the seventh century. He consecrated the former Pantheon into the Basilica of St. Mary and the Martyrs. Doing so involved an intense exorcism, with the demons shrieking as they were driven out. You may not be able to tell in this small image (buy the book to see the full-size page) but I drew the demons in the likenesses of Jupiter, Mars, and Venus. As I've said, the stories of pagan gods can be worth preserving as fiction, but when worshiped, devils occupy their roles. Pope St. Boniface's commemoration is May 8.

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