
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Bovodar and the Bears second edition digital!

I've been waiting to share this completed cover design for a long time. The second edition of Bovodar and the Bears by Jack Mikkelson is now available in digital form! Get it now for the price of 99 cents!

This cover illustration is, in my opinion, some of the best work I've done so far, and I hope it does justice to the sweeping adventure of this story. I posted before the ink work and the painting process, and I will soon also post the painting alone without the lineart superimposed, because I love how that turned out and it's a relatively new medium for me, gouache.

Know also that a paperback version will soon be available! Physical copies are preferable for many reasons, so for the first time, Bovodar and the Bears will be available as such! We were hoping to prepare it in time for purchase for Christmas, but it looks like that may not be possible. However, if you, like me, give presents on Epiphany too, it may very well be ready in time for that!

And that's not all. I will soon be posting a seven-page preview of the Bovodar and the Bears graphic novel that is in the works! To keep updated on all these developments, please sign up for Jack Mikkelson's newsletter here.

By the way, Mr. Mikkelson has revealed that he is the same person as Laramie Hirsch, under which name he blogs about history, private revelations, legends, and current issues from a traditionalist Catholic perspective. I respect his takes immensely. In the current conflict over the scandal and heresy emerging from Rome, he is one of the few who has maintained an attitude of charity towards his fellow trads who have differing opinions on what exactly is going on.

Bovodar and the Bears is a very exciting adventure in a rich and enjoyable world. I can't encourage you enough to read it for yourself, whether as an e-book or the soon-to-be-available paperback!

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