
Monday, February 10, 2020

Clockwork Dancer preview - real live comic book!

I recently got my hands on a real paper copy of my first published comic book, Clockwork Dancer #1 written by Jon Del Arroz!

It's the size of a traditional American comics floppy, but the cover is more sturdy and the pages are neither newsprint nor glossy. I like this form a lot! Here's a little preview, of some of the bits I thought looked particularly good:

Anyone who's been to Brainerd, Minnesota, may recognize that building.

And here's the back cover:

If you haven't read this, you can get it for Kindle or in paperback for quite a low price! If you have read it, please leave an Amazon review and look forward to Issue #2, which, God willing, will come out some time this year. Things get even more exciting and steampunky, I can tell you that for sure!

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