
Friday, May 21, 2021

No Paper Doll Veronika this week, busy with Bears


I am very busy at present, and was unable to prepare a Paper Doll Veronika update for this week. This is because Bovodar and the Bears goes up every Sunday on Arktoons, and I have to keep up the pace. Especially since I'm going on a trip in June and won't be able to do the coloring while I'm away, and probably won't have time to do much of the sketching and inking either, so I need to prepare enough pages before I go to cover the updates while I'm gone. 

I also won't be able to work on Paper Doll Veronika while I'm gone, but I haven't yet determined if there will be more of it before I go or if it will have to go on hiatus until I return. I would prefer not to take such a long break, but I'll have to see how things shake out. Thank you very much for your patience and for reading!

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