
Friday, October 20, 2023

Paper Doll Veronika update


Paper Doll Veronika has updated; Chapter 22 of Part II, "One side will make you", continues!

The update starts here.

The chapter begins here.

The part begins here.

The story begins here.

It's a bit frustrating: I am not showing off the most impressive panels in these posts, because they give away what happens. So go read the comic to see them, they're really cool!

It updates on Fridays on my site and Sundays on Arktoons. (My site is ahead). I recommend using bookmarking or the "Save your place" gadget on my site, even once you catch up, because the site starts at the beginning and updates are several pages.

Veronika Bosch, who's never left her father's estate, has to go on a journey when envious animals kick her out. Half collage, half puppetry, it's the traditional media equivalent of an elaborate sprite comic.

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