
Monday, January 1, 2024

Art of 2023


Farewell 2023! Well it was certainly a better year for me and mine than the previous, which was full of sorrow and grief. 2023 was full of growth and lots and lots of hard work.

All these except July, September, and December are art for Paper Doll Veronika; the remainder are for Bovodar and the Bears and my Christmas cards. And I'm nearing milestones: Part II of Veronika and Issue 3 of Bovodar are both almost done, and as soon as the latter is done I move to my number one artistic goal for 2024: working on Clockwork Dancer!!!

My number two artistic goal is: a crowdfund to print paper books of Paper Doll Veronika: Part I - Forest. I'm researching now but it won't be long! I'm not too ambitious, just looking to see if some people want a real book of it and if they do, to cover the cost of formatting, ordering, and shipping it. And regardless of how it shakes out, I'm sure I'll learn a lot through the effort.

Thank you for your attention through the year. God be with us in the next!

P.S. This also happens to be my one-thousandth post on this blog!

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