
Saturday, January 27, 2024

Paper Doll Veronika fanart contest!


To celebrate the launch of the crowdfund for printed books of Paper Doll Veronika Part I, we’re having a fanart contest!

The prizes are:

An original signed art piece: one of the chapter bonus pieces,

A hand-drawn articulated paper doll per winner’s directions, either sent to the winner or kept to be used in the comic, or

If the crowdfund is successful, a signed printed book of Part I – Forest.

And all winners plus honorable mentions get three-month access to the Paper Doll Club members’ page if they are not already members.

Winners will choose which of the above prizes they prefer.

There will be three categories, with one winner each:

Art by children: 13 years and younger

Art by adults: 14 years and older

Art generated by AI: In all honesty, this is mainly to ensure that no AI art is submitted to the other categories. I reserve the right to choose not to select a winner in this category if none of the entries is excellent.

Honorable mentions will be at my discretion. Colorings of Paper Doll Veronika ink outlines I have done (such as this) are eligible.

Send entries as jpg, png, or gif files to:

with subject: PDV fanart contest

State your name and contestant category in the email. Up to five entries per person, but you can only win once unless you are the only entrant in a category.

The deadline is February 16, 2024.

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