
Friday, November 30, 2012

Immaculate Conception coloring page

This one is simple, but I really like it.

There's been a page in between I haven't posted; you'll have to subscribe to get every single feastday! Does anyone know their Calendar enough to tell who it is? (without looking it up?)


  1. You're missing one of my favourite saints. St. Ambrosius (7th). He's the saint of beekeepers, that's how I know, as I am one. I can't remember any more without cheating

  2. ... And I like your simple Immaculate conception very much. Sorry for double posting, but something went awry when I tried to correct spelling mistakes in the first one.

  3. I did do St. Ambrose, but I didn't post it; that's the page I was talking about. I can't post them all or there'd be no reason for folks to buy subscriptions! ^^ Thanks!
