
Friday, December 14, 2012

St. Andre Bessette coloring page

Working hard on the coloring pages for January. I liked drawing this one; he looks so nice and grandpa-ey. St. Andre Bessette is one who's in here because I'm adding the USA feasts to the General Calendar; he lived in Canada. I like that; I love all the ways in which Catholicism becomes local. He also died less than a hundred years ago, in 1937 I believe. That's one thing I hope this coloring book will express to the children who use it: not all saints are long ago and far away.

Click here to learn more and/or sign up to receive a coloring page for every single feast in the Calendar!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mary McArthur, I love your idea of contemporary sanits, but must admit that for my children at least 1937 is a long, long time ago. Granddad was 4 years then. Gasp. Have you met XX, the children often ask him. XX being historical persons form the last 200 years at least.
