
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Exaltation of the Cross coloring page, September pages

I just sent out the September pages of the Liturgical Calendar Coloring Book. Included were:

St. Gregory the Great
St. Cuthbert
Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Peter Claver
The Holy Name of Mary
St. John Chrysostom
Exaltation of the Holy Cross (above)
Our Lady of Sorrows
Saints Cornelius and Cyprian
St. Robert Bellarmine
St. Januarius
Saints Theodore of Canterbury and Adrian the Abbot
Saints Andrew Kim Taegon and Paul Chong Hasang
St. Matthew the Evangelist
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
Our Lady of Walsingham
Saints Cosmas and Damian
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Lorenzo Ruiz
Saints Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel
St. Jerome

(That's the list for the USA Ordinariate calendar. The USA calendar doesn't have Cuthbert, Theodore and Adrian, and Our Lady of Walsingham. General Roman calendar doesn't have those and Peter Claver.)

Sign up here to get coloring pages for every saint's day in the Liturgical year!

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