
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blessed John Paul II coloring page

Today's his day. Wonder if that'll change come April? I chose to show him opening one of the Holy Doors for the great Jubilee...

In that sequin brocade cope that everyone hated!

Why? Well, there was a traveling Vatican treasures museum exhibit some years back, and I saw that cope in person there, and I actually thought it was kinda cool. Generally I'm a person who vastly prefers old-fashioned, ornate vestments and such to the 'contemporary' (or more accurately, 1970's-style) ones that one finds in many churches. But that cope, while definitely not old-fashioned, wasn't plain and blah like most modern vestments. I liked the pattern, and I like shiny things. And most importantly, this is a coloring book, so it's all about COLOR! And I think that cope would definitely be fun to color. ~_^

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