
Monday, April 20, 2015

An offer of about twenty-one free coloring pages

Our Lady of Victory page from the Liturgical Calendar Coloring Book

Calling everyone who has a blog! Especially Catholic parents and teachers and those with Catholic parents and teachers in their blog audience! I've made a coloring book with a page for every single saint's day in the liturgical year. And I think there are a lot more people who would like it than know about it, so I want to get the word out about it more. So, I will send a free month's worth of pages to anyone who will promise to blog about their honest opinion of it and include a link to this page where it can be purchased.

You can choose any month you wish; they average around twenty-one pages. Comment on this post with your email address or email me at snowflakeclockwork[at]gmail[dot]com if you're interested.


  1. This is an ioffer you can't refuse. If it is good for non-English countries as well. I write my blog in Danish and English and have four sons of the strange non-colouring variety. I have tried to make them change their mind. As May is the next month coming up, I'd like to test that one, even if I'm sure they'll be sorry that none of their saints are among those. Maybe it's best this way, as they have their day in four different months, and I wouldn't know which one to choose.
    This is a very generous offer, and I'll be happy to spread the knowledge of your colouring book to a wider audience.
    My e-mail adress is uglemorolden[at]gmail[dot]com

  2. Certainly, it's open all countries.
    Thank you!

  3. How exciting, Mary! I would love to see the saints, and blog about it and I have a few girls who would love to color them! Thanks! Maryhaddox @

  4. Hello Mary! That is fantastic! I pinned it to Pinterest and it has been pinned by others as of last night! God bless!


  5. Thank you, Marisol! And do you want to participate in the offer?

  6. Are you still doing this? If so, I would LOVE to get some sent to me at mmstangerbus (at) comcast (dot) net and to write about them at They'd be wonderful for our saint day celebrations!

  7. Hi would you still be interested in people blogging about your coloring book for Saints? Email
    Blog is also writes for online Catholic periodicals

  8. Hi would you still be interested in people blogging about your coloring book for Saints? Email
    Blog is also writes for online Catholic periodicals

  9. Our church will use the next eight weeks to focus on Saints - both in worship and children education time. I'll be happy to comment about your work in our church blog page.

    (It's not so prominent on our website just now because we're advertising a party - but there is usually a link to it at the top of our homepage.)

    Thank you


  10. Sarah, okay! I am sending an email to the address given for you on that website.
