
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Photos from Fall

Fall is certainly over, but it doesn't seem to be properly winter yet. We've only had one significant snowfall, and it's all melted now. Seems more like Texas winter so far.

Anyway, first, some fall birds.

We went out and gathered leaves for garlands.

We dipped them in melted paraffin wax,

Let them dry on on waxed paper,

And stitched them onto upholstery thread.

Isn't that nice!

1 comment:

  1. It seems strange to be recapping such beautiful fall pictures just a week before Christmas, but this is really a splendid collection. That first one isn't photo-shopped, is it? It's just so richly orange!

    The cabin really is suited to a fall color scheme, but I'll be very anxious to see how you two decorate for Christmas.
