
Saturday, November 28, 2015

A new coloring book to Our Lady of Victory

Once again, I have put together a collection of pages selected from the Liturgical Calendar Coloring Book according to a theme and making it available, like I did with the Titles and Apparitions of Mary Coloring Book. But this time, there is one all-new page, that I drew especially for this collection.

St. James Matamoros

I am calling the collection Coloring Pages dedicated to Our Lady of Victory, and it is a selection of saints who, with words and/or swords, fought the forces of Islam.

This heresy has always been one of Christianity's worst enemies, and I pray for the day when it no longer exists.

For me to say this is not racism; Islam is not a race. It is an ideology, and it is evil. It is true that there are Muslims who don't wish to kill non-Muslims. But they are the ones who are not really following Islamic teaching. They are better people because of it, but the fact remains, this religion proclaims death or slavery on all who do not submit to it, and brings loss of liberty, oppression of women, sexual perversion, and desolation to the lands it conquers.

So, as a small prayer and rallying cry, I offer these drawings of saints who took up the call. I will include these pages for free with any purchase of Rosary Mysteries coloring Pages, and also, anyone may have them free for the asking. Just email me at snowflakeclockwork [at] gmail [dot] com.


  1. Dear Mary MacArthur.
    I love your spunk. Yes Islam is a heresy. Yet we've got to figth the herey, nor the people adhering to it, those are to be converted, not killed. Let's by all means figt Islam - and other hersies with drawings, songs, poetry, and prayer. I'm going to order a set of your drawings and teach my children thar the pen is migthier than the sword. And that prayer is even stronger. All the best wishes for advent . In Christ. Charlotte

  2. Thank you.
    Indeed, prayer is the foundation of all and conversion is the best hope, but at the same time, when they attack people with force, they should be defended against with force.
