
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Historic Candlemas festival coming

On Candlemas this year, the first Bishop for the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter will be ordained in Houston, Texas. My old parish and the principal church of the Ordinariate, Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church, (will it become a cathedral?! ) is having a festival on that day, and as a part of that, there will be an art show, and as part of that, will be me.

Well, some of my work, and also some of my sister Anna's work. There will be a binder of the entire Liturgical Calendar Coloring Book, the above painting; and some never-before-seen colored versions of LCCB pages, colored by Anna and me, and even some of the original concepts, sketches, and draftings for the Ordinariate coat of arms.

We will be there in person, too, which is exciting, not just for the art show bit, but the occasion and getting to visit the place again. I don't yet know if I'll be allowed to sell anything, but if I am, there will be coloring books on CD, limited edition prints, and holy cards.

And then will be the ordination, at the Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral, which will be an historic event, and I think Cardinal Müller will be there, who was one of the few to stand up against the Kasperite heresy at the recent synod, for which the Pope may have threatened to take away his cardinalate, so that's pretty awesome.

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