
Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday poll time

As you can see over to the side, there's a new poll for this week, about e-books. Do be so kind as to answer!

I myself have only a few e-books on my computer and no e-reader; I vastly prefer real paper. But I can see the advantages... as well as disadvantages, of each.

I am starting off with these sorts of questions because the world of indie published fiction is booming! And after conceiving all my stories as comics for a long time, I have thought of some novels...  I've looked into it a lot and while I always dreamed of getting published in the normal manner, indie is vastly more appealing now. Much work to do!


  1. Dear Mary McArthur. I ffeel a bit stupid, as I can't find the link to this poll. But like you I love paper books, the feel, the smell, the exitement of opening a book, all works together with the reading to form a unique experience - every time.

    Kind regarde

  2. The poll should be in the sidebar on the right, below the Batman Decadence image and above the Clare's Costly Cookie image. Is it not showing up for you?

  3. In that place, I can read a text saying: "Do you read e-books?" But nothing happens upon clicking it. I think the link has died.

  4. The options should be below that text, with little bubbles for selecting which one. I guess that's not showing up...

  5. Oh, I feel so stupid. My AdBlocker was blocking your poll as well. Now it's there :) Sorry.
