
Sunday, September 27, 2020

State of my Stories master list

For my own benefit, I thought I'd make a list of all the story projects and ideas that I currently aspire to complete and assess where they stand. This list doesn't include collaborative projects. This also functions as a little introduction to each one.

Paper Doll Veronika
Cut-paper webcomic, to be found here. 

The whimsical journey of Veronika Bosch, kicked out of her house by animals, and the adventures she has with magical dresses. 
This is currently the most active of my own story projects. I'm nearly ready to start Part II, and I decided not to wait to do all the bonus material mentioned here before posting it; the bonus stuff will come alongside the comic itself. The script is written as far as midway through Part IV.
Seven-volume graphic novel.

Becky Kinford is trapped in the past and seeks the help of her grandfather Anthony in finding a way home.

The script is complete, just needs a little revision, and with what I've recently learned regarding publishing independent comics, I feel ready finally to embark on this as soon as I can get a collaborative project or two out of the way. Having waited so long isn't so bad, since my drawing skills are way better now than they were when I wrote this.

Mary's Mazes 
A series of pictorial mazes to be navigated via links on a website.

Haven't done anything with this yet except for mapping out four mazes, deciding their themes, and writing their riddles. But I am rethinking my approach to the planned art; I had been planning thin-line pen-and-ink, but now I think brushpen will be both faster and more evocative.

Journey to Earth
Illustrated children's book.

Archangels Raphael, Gabriel, and Michael accompany God the Son on a symbolic imagining of His journey to become incarnate and be born of the Virgin Mary.

I wrote this long ago; I need to see if it needs revision, and then do the illustrations! My drawing skills were definitely not adequate when I wrote it, now they might be! And then I need to research self-publishing books with full-page color illustrations. Manuel Guzman has done so, I should check out his work.

The Last Haunted House 

In a ruined world, detective Kasimir Candle and his sons, Whit and Karol, are invited to a mysterious house.

I just got inspired for a total re-imagining of this, and I like my new idea a lot. I need to read some more examples of the genres I'm going for, and then plot it out and develop all the characters.

26 Palaces Under the Sea

Anders, a young fisherman, is hired by the mysterious Miss Lilac to travel to lost palaces in the sea.

I haven't thought about this one for a while, since I kind of lost interest in fairy tale retellings, of which this is one. But I did actually buy a sailboat, which will most probably yield lots of inspiration once I get it fixed up and into the water, hopefully next summer!

Thy Brother's Wife
Single-volume graphic novel.

Prince Sandro accompanies his brother, King Piero, on a secret mission to end a war, but the real danger is closer at hand.

The script is written, and this is short. Maybe I should do it before Beckyless in order to practice the whole formatting and publishing process?

Dreams and Thorns
Multi-volume graphic novel, or maybe an illustrated novel?

Rosamund lives with her godparents at a private academy in a forest, but her life is not what it seems. A retelling of Sleeping Beauty.

Very up-in-the-air, but I can't let go of many of the images from this one. We'll see.

White Snow
Illustrated novelette.

Prince Alban sets out on a ceremonial journey in a land of everlasting winter, but someone is seeking his life. A retelling of Snow White.

I don't have all the details worked out, but I know exactly how I want it to look, and it's my favorite of my fairy tale retellings.


As I figured out recently, it's worthwhile to make creative works featuring iconic characters who are currently being held captive by corporations that desecrate these legacies. Someday, they'll be public domain!

Batman: Decadence
Batman comic. The first few chapters may be found here.

Okay, this one is kind of a collaborative project, with my sister Anna slated to write one of the stories. There are nine of them: Masque; Ward; Engage; Water like a Stone; Kings and Monsters Used to Lie Above this Deep, and the Princess in the Dark Tower; Do we Not Laugh; Dies Irae; Far as the Curse is Found; and Beyond: Decay. I don't know when I'll get time to return to it, but it needs some revision when I do.

All's Right with the World
Three short Batman and Superman illustrated stories. The first, "All's Fair at the County Fair", may be found here.

A while ago, I'd planned never to do fanart anymore except of a few select things, and I admit, this was the hardest thing to sacrifice for that stance. Now I see I made that decision for mistaken reasons, so here we go! They're all written, but the illustrations take longer than you might think from their simplistic style.

The Curse of the Scarab
An interactive DC Comics mystery, to be done either through a website or with an interactive novel program.

Michael Carter invites prominent figures to the unveiling of his friend Ted Kord's archaeological findings, but soon there's a murder! The reader will take on the roles of Batman and Catwoman to uncover the culprit.

This is such a fun idea. I've plotted it, done the character redesigns and started writing. But executing it in proper interactive form will be very difficult.

Nibelheim Grocery
Diary-format fanfiction of Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus. What there is of it may be found here.

I don't think I'll be finishing this one. I think it had a lot of good parts, but it was going to get more and more miserable as it went and my time and creative energy being limited as they are, I'd rather direct them to other things. Ah well, farewell! Someday, I may return.

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