Sunday, June 30, 2024

Fish in a Barrel


Bonus art for "Work Philosophy", Chapter 4 of Part III of Paper Doll Veronika, which is now being posted on Arktoons! 

I have recently inherited a lot of watercolors from my late grandmother, God rest her soul. These were all her colors.

The latest episode is here.

The series is here.

And the Chinese translation has been updated too!

The latest episode in Chinese is here.

The series in Chinese is here.

You can also read it on my own website. (I recommend my site for PC and Arktoons for mobile.)

Support the comic and get special bonuses here.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Paper Doll Veronika update


Paper Doll Veronika has updated; Chapter 4 of Part III, "Work Philosophy", continues!

The update starts here.

The chapter begins here.

The part begins here.

The story begins here.

It updates on Fridays on my site and Sundays on Arktoons. I recommend using bookmarking or the "Save your place" gadget on my site, even once you catch up, because the site starts at the beginning and updates are several pages.

Veronika Bosch, who's never left her father's estate, has to go on a journey when envious animals kick her out. Half collage, half puppetry, it's the traditional media equivalent of an elaborate sprite comic.

Support the comic and get special bonuses here.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Making Port on Arktoons


"Any Port in a partly cloudy day", Chapter 3 of Part III of Paper Doll Veronika is complete on Arktoons!

The latest episode is here.

The series is here.

And the Chinese translation has been updated too!

The latest episode in Chinese is here.

The series in Chinese is here.

You can also read it on my own website. (I recommend my site for PC and Arktoons for mobile.)

Friday, June 21, 2024

Down by the Docks

 Paper Doll Veronika has updated; Chapter 4 of Part III, "Work Philosophy", has begun!

The chapter begins here.

The part begins here.

The story begins here.

It updates on Fridays on my site and Sundays on Arktoons. I recommend using bookmarking or the "Save your place" gadget on my site, even once you catch up, because the site starts at the beginning and updates are several pages.

Veronika Bosch, who's never left her father's estate, has to go on a journey when envious animals kick her out. Half collage, half puppetry, it's the traditional media equivalent of an elaborate sprite comic.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Any Port on Arktoons


Chapter 3 of Part III of Paper Doll Veronika continues on Arktoons!

The latest episode is here.

The series is here.

And the Chinese translation has been updated too! 

The latest episode in Chinese is here.

The series in Chinese is here.

You can also read it on my own website. (I recommend my site for PC and Arktoons for mobile.)

Friday, June 14, 2024

Tailor in his Shop


Paper Doll Veronika has updated; Chapter 3 of Part III, "Any Port in a partly cloudy day", is complete!

The update starts here.

The chapter begins here.

The part begins here.

The story begins here.

There is a typo, but it made me laugh so I'll keep it. Let's just say Veronika wanted to talk like a pirate in Pirate Port.

It updates on Fridays on my site and Sundays on Arktoons. I recommend using bookmarking or the "Save your place" gadget on my site, even once you catch up, because the site starts at the beginning and updates are several pages.

Veronika Bosch, who's never left her father's estate, has to go on a journey when envious animals kick her out. Half collage, half puppetry, it's the traditional media equivalent of an elaborate sprite comic.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Any Port in a partly cloudy day


Bonus art for Chapter 3 of Part III of Paper Doll Veronika, which is now being posted on Arktoons! 

The latest episode is here.

The series is here.

And the Chinese translation has been updated too!

The latest episode in Chinese is here.

The series in Chinese is here.

You can also read it on my own website. (I recommend my site for PC and Arktoons for mobile.)