Friday, July 26, 2013

One new clock

This post contains doll nudity!

I said before I often get clocks in Minnesota, because they cost less than in this huge city. This year I only got one, but it's pretty cool.

It's an old Westclox with an acrylic case. It works, though it doesn't stay running long between windings. The coolest thing about this clock is because of the clear acrylic, you can see the movement without opening it up!

You can see the gears ticking away!

I bought it at a garage sale for five dollars. Here's another one for sale for rather more. The same garage sale also had a beautiful Sessions, rather like this one, but they were asking $150 for it. I wish I'd brought my camera for that one.

Since I have another tag for something I collect, I might as well mention I bought a (relatively) inexpensive ball-jointed doll from Volks.

She's for an illustration class I'll be teaching in the fall, because we can't have a live model, and those wooden mannequins are boring. I'll make her some underwear to make sure I don't get in trouble with students' mothers. What should her name be?

Friday, July 19, 2013

working on something Cosmic

I've started a little personal project that should be really cool when it's done. For a long time I've only been drawing the coloring book and merely dreaming of fun fanarts. But I find that all the work goes better and I have much more energy overall when I'm also doing something just for myself. ^_^

I love circles with measurements marked on them; they so evoke the astronomical.

Masking fluid between my fingers.
 I can't wait to show this!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

St. Sharbel Makhluf and July pages Part 2

So I sent out the second part of the July coloring pages. Next month, it should be back to normal with one month per pack. The latter half of July included:

St. Apollinaris
St. Lawrence of Brindisi
St. Mary Magdalen
St. Birgitta of Sweden (this one is of one of her visions and is kind of bizarre)
St. Sharbel Makhluf (above)
St. James the Apostle (with Our Lady of the Pillar)
Sts. Joachim and Anne
St. Martha
St. Peter Chrysologus
St. Ignatius Loyola

Sign up for coloring pages for every single Saint's day here!

Friday, July 12, 2013

St. Mary Magdalen coloring page

It was hard to decide what scene to do, because there's such controversy about when all she appears--was she the sinful woman with the ointment? Was she Martha's sister? (to say nothing of other suggestions which deserve nothing said about them)--so I went with an incident where she is definitely named, Christ casting seven demons out of her. And that's not one I've ever seen portrayed before, so, that's cool.

But I'll say one thing: Yes, it's true there's no Biblical basis for saying she was a prostitute. But the people who insist that she MUSTN'T have been, that that is nothing but FOUL SLANDER by the HORRIBLE PATRIARCHY, those are the people who are denigrating her, prostitutes, and women. Because they are implying that anyone who was a prostitute could never be a great disciple, denying prostitutes the dignity of eventual sainthood and a place in the Kingdom. Very like the Pharisees. So, I'm not saying she necessarily was, but if she was, her repentance is of great valor, and it takes nothing away, but rather adds, to the glory of her sainthood and the honour due her.

Going for a bit of Bosch-like-ness with the demons.

Sign up here for coloring pages of every single Saint's day!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What I'm doing on my Summer--Minnesota, finally

So then after the week and a half in Michigan, we finally drove to our destination, north-central Minnesota. I didn't take as many photos this year as in the past, nor, sadly, did I get to draw anything besides coloring pages and a couple Batman designs. But still, wonderful.

Good ol' Kettle River. The water's root beer-colored because of all the iron.

This was actually in Wisconsin, on the way.

Monday, July 8, 2013

What I'm doing on my Summer--Michigan?!

At the end of May my family and I left for Minnesota. But somehow, unforeseenly, I ended up spending the first week and a half in Michigan, with a community of Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist! Lovely place, anyway.

Killdeer on her nest! If you look hard you can see the eggs.

Visited a basilica in Grand Rapids. It had great windows.

And the Sisters had several cool clocks!

This one may not look like much, but it's an original Westclox in a school building from the twenties!

And then, we got to go and swim in Lake Michigan. It was freezing cold, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity; that's the lake that the second Blue Beetle, Ted Kord's, secret base is connected to, and that he'd fly his ship, the Bug, out of to go fight evil! 

This is Fred. He has no feelings. (Inside joke)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

St. Benedict coloring page--July in two parts!

Hello! I'm back in Texas now, with regular internet access. I tried to blog some in Minnesota, but the connection at the public library was too slow to upload all my images. So it's back to blogging now!

As the subscribers know, because of this internet situation, I had to send out the July coloring pages in two parts. I sent out the first one at the beginning of the month. Included were:

St. Junipero Serra
St. Thomas the Apostle
St. Elizabeth of Portugal
St. Anthony Zaccaria
St. Maria Goretti
St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions
Our Lady of Atonement
St. Benedict (above)
St. Henry
St. Kateri Tekakwitha
St. Bonaventure
Our Lady of Carmel
St. Camillus de Lellis

The rest of July's saints will be sent out in the middle of the month!