Kids from Beckyless.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
watery water
Still working on getting better at water in oil. I had a bit of a breakthrough when I realized the dark and light ripples follow a curved grid. And I started looking at other things: flowers, texture of rocks, mushrooms, tree bark, clouds, hairs on one's skin, and thinking about Fibonacci, and I thought: Maybe the whole universe might follow a curved grid. I'll keep looking.
Friday, July 27, 2012
They Become Stars
Fanart of Ace Attorney - Justice for All. I used the new 64 set of Crayola crayons that I mentioned; they can make nice rich textures and I'd like to use them more.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
The Plein Air Competition
The Jaques Plein Air competition was amazing. Having to do a large painting every day was very energizing. At first the weather was a bit dreary, but that itself made interesting light, skies, and water to paint. There were some very illustrious artists and alot of great paintings, and... well onto the pictures!
The first painting I did in the center of town, of the only set of stoplights in the county.

The first painting I did in the center of town, of the only set of stoplights in the county.
The Lights
Loon off Burns' Point
There were actually NINE loons all around, but if I put them all in no one would have believed.
The third I did on our own front porch.
Path into the Woods
On the final day, we all had to paint within two hours at the hospital garden. And they had a model, too!
I couldn't get a good close-up shot of that one. Anyway, that afternoon was the opening and everything was up!
This one, which I would have bought were I rich, was by Raleigh Kinney.
A pastel piece, by Cynthia Kath, won third place.
This, by Duane Barnhart, won second. His watercolors were simply magnificent; unfortunately I can't find a website.
And as for what won First Place...
I couldn't believe it!!! As I've said, the other artists were amazing and had tons of experience. This was an incredible thing! I'm thrilled and I learned alot and it was very much fun! You can look at the official report on the Jaques Art Center website.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Come and see!
Today starts the Jaques Art Center Plein Air Competition! I have three pieces (that are not plein air, but to show examples of my work) on display at the Center, and on Friday, July 20th the competition pieces that ARE to be plein air will go up, and they'll all be there until the 28th.
So if you're in Minnesota, consider coming to see! It's free. The Art Center is in Aitkin; you can find directions on the website. On Friday at two o'clock there will be a reception and you can even say hi to me, if you would want to do such a thing. ^_^
The painting above is one I did a couple days ago as training for this. :D
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Murder Mystery Dinner
The new Ink and Fairydust is out, with a theme of American mystery stories! My illustration, as you can see, is a bit more Britishy, but it complements an article about hosting a murder mystery party, no matter the nationality, so yeah! Read it on the site, or right here:
Open publication - Free publishing
Sunday, July 1, 2012
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