Because they do.
Divine Mercy Sunday page from
the Liturgical Calendar Coloring Book |
The Apostolic Exhortation is coming, and my fear is great
that it will surrender to the Kasperite heresy, with a veneer of vagueness that
many will twist into an orthodox interpretation so they can pretend nothing's
However, the Kasperite heresy, proposed by many bishops and
supported by Pope Francis, is very, very wrong. Perhaps one of the worst things
that people could be led to believe.
See, the premise is not: "Sexual relations in a 'marriage' after prior divorce is not
a sin." What has been said is rather, "Let us allow
sexually active remarried-after-divorce people to receive Communion." It has been framed
as a "path" to... repentance? No, they don't say repentance. They're
very vague about what it's a path to, but they never deny that they are proposing reception of
the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin. They just don't use that language,
because it would hurt peoples' feelings.
Instead of hurting people's feelings, they opt to hurt, to
kill, peoples' souls, and to kill Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Kill Christ? What?
I don't just mean how sins caused Christ to die on the Cross,
I mean actual new actions of literally physically killing Him in time, now. How
is this possible?
The Eucharist is the living Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, the entire His
Own Self of Jesus Christ, God the Son. It's Him. Right there. In the ciborium,
on your tongue, (please not in your hands...) stuck to the roof of your mouth,
down your throat. Living. In you. Physically. Now, what if you're in a state of
mortal sin? Well, my old Baltimore catechism said about the state of mortal sin "Christ is dead in us." So, it logically follows that receiving
the Blessed Sacrament in a state of mortal sin is, in the most direct way
possible, killing Christ.
I know, He died once for all and He dies no more. And of course He yet lives,
off in Heaven (must be a physical place somewhere because He still has His
human Body) and as the Blessed Sacrament in all the tabernacles of the world,
including people in a state of grace. But still, I think that the act of
receiving the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin can indeed be described this
way, as taking Him in, and killing Him.
When the priest displays Him and says, "Behold the Lamb of God," it recalls not just John the Baptist, but also Pilate:
"Behold the Man," displaying Him to the people and having them choose
whether to kill Him or not. Letting them vote. Thus, when we are then invited to Communion, we are given that same
choice. Let Him live in us or let Him die in us. Thus I think it may be argued
that receiving the Eucharist while in a state of mortal sin is one of the
worst things one can possibly do.
So pray. I don't think there's any stopping this document from supporting this
heresy, so pray that faithful bishops, priests, and laymen will see it for what
it is, and that those responsible will open their eyes and repent.