Paper Doll Veronika has updated; Chapter 14 of Part III, "Christmas of Fire II", has begun!
Once again, what should have gone up on Friday goes up on Sunday, because there was a lot to make in order to get to the point I wanted to reach within the Octave of Christmas, that is now.
It also updated on Arktoons, which is slightly behind.
The latest Arktoons episode is here.
It updates on Fridays (most of the time) on my site, Sundays on Arktoons, and Mondays on Substack (Substack is at a much earlier point in the comic). I recommend using bookmarking or the "Save your place" gadget on my site, even once you catch up, because the site starts at the beginning and updates are several pages.
Veronika Bosch, who's never left her father's estate, has to go on a journey when envious animals kick her out. Half collage, half puppetry, it's the traditional media equivalent of an elaborate sprite comic.