This year was taken over by Paper Doll Veronika, as you can see eight out of twelve months are it. And in March and September, I didn't have time to draw anything due to family duties and events, so there's an embroidery gift I made for my nephew-godson's baptism, and a photo of a morning glory I grew. I also finally finished Issue #3 of Bovodar and the Bears--October gives an exclusive preview since the last four pages are not yet on Arktoons!
The artistic goals for 2024 were: 1) work on Clockwork Dancer and 2) hold a crowdfund for a paper printed book of Paper Doll Veronika Part I - Forest.
Well the second was a great success, but the first, I only did a tiny bit. So it is my absolute must-do for 2025; as soon as Paper Doll Veronika finishes its current segment, it will go on break until Spring so I can finally hammer out Issue #3 of Clockwork Dancer for the ever-patient Leading Hispanic Voice in Science-Fiction Jon Del Arroz!
The second artistic goal is to finish formatting the aforementioned aforefunded paper printed book and get it out to my patient backers. That's what I really take home from this year, the gracious patience everyone has extended to me. I am most grateful, and will work hard so your patience be rewarded!